About the Author

| Sunday, May 25, 2008

My life lately has been spent on the internet; texting in to twitter, uploading videos to youtube, and using facebook way more than I should. This will be my third attempt at a blog and the first one that I am actually excited about. My time so far this year has been spent creating LCTV 13's new website. A website I created for our Media Studies news and sports program at Loras College in Dubuque. This site was created using wordpress, but I felt this new blog should call blogger home.

My first love and passion is video production. This is my field of study as I enter into my junior year of college, but as I dabble deeper and deeper into the world of production I find myself distancing my inner creativeness from what I once loved. Video has become routine and I have found my self reaching for my camera more and more each day.

The world through a photograph has always captured my imagination for as long as I can remember. Photography for me is in the moment. I want to capture life through the eyes of others as it is happening. This has led me to find a love for photojournalism and multimedia productions.

This blog will take my eye for the moment and show what it truely means to be Iowan for me. Where I have come from has always been a pride in my life and my cousin has recently inspired me to show what I have come to love the most; the people, places, and things that make up my lens in Central Iowa.

I will post a new photo every day with a monthly group of photos of my experiences in Central Iowa. Below is a group of photos I have taken over the past year. Thank you for visiting and I hope you visit again.

Daniel Randolph can be reached at danran24@gmail.com.

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